Success Story: Sorger
- Division Sistemas de embutimento e porcionamento
- Posted on 04.02.2021
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Success Story: Sorger
"Our operating staff don’t want to work with any other system anymore."
Landjäger like in the old days
The slogan “Landjäger like in the old days” sums up the recipe forsuccess of the salami and raw sausage specialist from Styria in Austria:original recipes for high-quality traditional products produced usingthe latest production technology. The annual DLG awards that Sorgerwins for many different products, most recently in 2019, are ampleproof of the fact that this fruitful symbiosis is crowned with success.Sorger GmbH has been synonymous with traditional products of premium quality for more than 100 years. In addition to many years of experienceand traditional recipes, the Styrian family business also relies on stateof-the-art technology. Movingwith the time and developing further.Getting a little bit better every day. Handtmann is one of the partnerthat accompanies the Frauental family business on its journey between tradition and modernity.
Handtmann system technology well represented in production
Production organised around production manager Peter Kroyß involvesHandtmann machines and system solutions as well as the digital HCUproduction networking solution. Both, Handtmann vacuum fillers
for portioned products in combination with clippers and the latestConProLink technology are used for the production of Salanetti, apopular salami snack. Apart from their high portioning accuracy andreliability, the machines are also valued for their flexibility, becauseSorger’s product range is exceptionally extensive, including salami,coated salami, raw sausages, cooked sausage, pork sausage or curedsausage. Once the production of Landjäger is complete, a hanging unitis attached to the linking line and sausage production can start – as easy as that.
Working with this line is considerably more pleasant than before. Despite higher output, production runs smoother and thus with less strain on the staff.

Fully automated Landjäger Anno dazumal® production
The modular Handtmann collating system demonstrates that original recipes can look and taste like handmade even when produced fullyautomatically. The production from portioning process to collating in preparation for further processing in presses is handled by a VF 838 S vacuum filler, a PVLS 143 linking and cutting line and the GS 301 collating system.
Increased output with less stress for operators
The operating staff at Sorger simply swear by the Handtmann system.Previously strenuous production processes such as sorting and collatingby the staff are a thing of the past. Today, even reduced operating staffgenerates a production output increased by 15 % – with less stress and streamlined production process.
Very fine adjustment of production data makes the difference
As the head of product innovation, Peter Kroyß sees major advantagesabove all in the adjustment of the line. He also greatly values the continuous process
with less manpower required, but of course also the increase in output.
It is the very fine adjustment of product data, such as shape and end of the product, that makes the production of our quality products possible after all.

Anno dazumal® Landjäger
Anno dazumal® Landjäger are produced, just like in the old times, from
high-quality pork and selected spices. Thanks to a special maturing
process and lots of intuition, additives such as lactose, flavour enhancers
and colourants can be completely dispensed with. The Anno dazumal®
Landjäger are produced, so to speak, just like in grandfather’s time, yet
with the know-how and maturing technology of today. The Landjäger
lose approx. 40 % of their gross weight during the maturing period.
154 g of pork are used to produce 100 g of Anno dazumal® Landjäger.
They are smoked, air-dried and packed under a protective atmosphere
in aroma protection packaging.