Handtmann receives the Daimler Supplier Award 2015
- Division Systems Engineering
- Posted on 29.02.2016
- All news and dates

The trophy designed by the Daimler Design division was handed over by the CEO of Daimler AG, Dr. Dieter Zetsche (left) and Dr. Klaus Zehender, Divisional Director of Purchasing and Supplier Quality Mercedes-Benz Cars (2nd from right), to company director Thomas Handtmann.
The automobile manufacturer Daimler has awarded Albert Handtmann Metallgusswerk GmbH & Co. KG with the Daimler Supplier Award 2015 and thus honoured the company’s outstanding services in the area of “Light metal casting as well as complex systems and modules for the engine and exhaust gas technology of the automotive industry”.
At the eighth Supplier Award of Daimler AG, Thomas Handtmann, CEO of the Handtmann Group of Companies, received the coveted prize from CEO Dr. Dieter Zetsche and Divisional Director Dr. Klaus Zehender on 25th February 2016. “We are very proud of this award, which underscores the 30-year partnership and successful relationship between Daimler and our company,” says Thomas Handtmann. “With our four production locations in Europe and Asia and our systems technology division for complex powertrain systems, we offer solutions, modules and systems that make a contribution to increasing production efficiency and to the international competitiveness of customers like Daimler.”
Preferred partner
Each year, Daimler AG awards selected suppliers in a total of three categories in the segments of Cars, Trucks & Buses and IPS (services) for their above-average achievements in the past financial year. Handtmann received the prize in the PARTNERSHIP category. Handtmann earned the prize for being a reliable partner that supports the global growth of Mercedes-Benz through investments in capacity expansions and new plant. In the last and current financial year, Handtmann Light Metal Casting division invested around 30 million euros in new production buildings at the Biberach location, including fitting them out with state-of-the-art equipment and machinery. Besides aluminium, the system supplier for the automotive industry will also manufacture light metal cast parts in magnesium here. For the product segment of Mercedes-Benz Cars, Handtmann has recently also started producing complex, finished transmission housings in magnesium.
“This latest award, which follows on from the Volkswagen Group Award we received in 2012 as one of 18 premium partners, is pleasing confirmation of all our efforts,” says Managing Director Dr. Michael Hagemann with a smile. “Our thanks go to all employees who work untiringly to ensure our company remains successful in day-to-day competition and can continue to grow.”