Handtmann Annaberg invests in new X-ray installation
- Division Light Metal Casting
- Posted on 15.06.2018
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Handtmann - X-ray installation
Handtmann Annaberg invests in new X-ray installation
Improved component quality through digital testing
Handtmann Leichtmetallgießerei GmbH & Co. KG improves quality assurance by using a digital X-ray installation and computer tomography from VisiConsult.
In the era of lightweight construction, high quality of safety-related cast parts is essential in the automotive segment. At the Annaberg location, the Handtmann Light Metal Foundry replaced the old analogue installation XCube installation from GE with the new digital XRH222 model from VisiConsult. In addition to detail recognition, throughput and the degree of automation could also be improved. Moreover, the combined installation features computer tomography (CT) for development purposes. The CT visualizes and measures internal structures and faults in 3D. “Thanks to good communication and the commitment of the VisiConsult team, our location could take the next step towards the digitization of quality assurance,” says Heiko Blei, Head of Production at the foundry in Annaberg. In times of Industry 4.0 and of increasingly complex customer requirements, this type of forward-looking investment guarantees the competitiveness of Germany as a production location. “We are proud to have acquired Handtmann, yet another renowned client in the demanding automotive industry,” states Lennart Schulenburg, Head of Sales at VisiCinsult.
VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Solutions GmbH is a leading manufacturer of high-quality digital X-ray systems and solutions. The family-run business with more than 70 employees is well-known for its highest production quality (certified to ISO 9001) and for its reliable customer service.