Sausage and Meat PRODUCTS Food Innovations 2021
Everything around the meat industry is on the move. Let’s just move along with it. Let us take a new approach to classic products. Let us create new snacks. Or variations on bestsellers. We at Handtmann continuously develop new systems for the production of these sought-after trend products. At the same time we provide fresh impetus for novel trend products and product innovations. But we also focus on optimising and developing new production processes.
The good thing is that together we have so much experience in the production of meat and sausage products, we simply have to adapt our knowledge and skills to the market shifts of the consumer. Always in line with the motto: My idea. My solution.
My Idea My Solution
Crossover Salami Snacks

- Crossover-Snack mit hohem Produktentwicklungspotenzial
- 3-fach-Extrusion ermöglicht neuartige Produkte
- Überraschende Füllung oder ansprechendes Gewürzcoating
- Variantenvielfalt (viele Kaliber und Längen möglich)
- Ansprechende Optik und zarter Biss
- Kontinuierlicher Produktionsprozess

- Fleischige Alternative zu klassischen Snackprodukten
- Produktvielfalt: Fleischarten, Formen…
- Vielseitige Rezepturen: hot, chili, schimmelgereift…
- Unzählige, auch individuelle, Formgebungen möglich

- Crossover Snack mit hohem Produktentwicklungspotenzial
- Überraschende, variable Füllung
- Produktvielfalt durch vielseitige Produktgestaltung
- Ansprechende und neuartige Optik
- Klassisches Produkt in neuer Variante

- Hybridprodukt in trendgerechter Darreichungsform (vielfältige Formen möglich)
- Reduzierter Fleischanteil bei vollem Genuss
- Ernährungsphysiologische Aufwertung durch pflanzliche Anteile
Sausage and Meat productsProcess Innovations
Trend products and Expertise. Food Innovation Guide
„In all honesty, I just love the precision of this new machine. If I want to produce 100-gram sausages, I can rest assured that each and every sausage we produce weighs precisely 100 grams, and that they all have the same appearance. “
Take the opportunity to work with our specialists to test the production of your products or product ideas in our customer forum using state-of-the-art machine technology. Together we will find the right solution for your product idea. Contact us!
T +49 7351 45-0